The Homesteader

Allison is a writer, editor, and musician living on a long, narrow lot in a beautiful, ancient hardwood-lined neighborhood of Decatur, Georgia, a small town situated fifteen easy minutes east of downtown Atlanta. Her southern urban homestead consists of two gardens, a flock of happy hens, the Australian shepherd who herds them, a cat who thinks she is a chicken, a giant communal compost bin, a whole lotta earthworms, a home canning system, and three rain barrels. On this little green dot in a landscape of mostly concrete and asphalt, Allison goes about the tasks of providing–of feeding herself and those she cares for. It’s a daily invitation to be mindful of labor, consumption, and reward. It is possible to live lightly, in balance, and with plenty, even here, in the heart of the urban South.

Allison’s intention with this blog is not to live “impact free”–no extremes, no gimmicks. Rather, she aims to share her daily search for ways to live effectively, efficiently, and responsibly in an urban landscape. She invites others to share their efforts and ideas through the blog, as well.

10 responses to “The Homesteader

  1. Elizabeth Ansley Allan

    Your Dad and Mom included the address for your blog in their Christmas email—so–I’ve spend some very delightful time catching up with what’s been going on at your “farm.’ I esp. responded to your comments about Advent—and waiting and wataching with quiet joy.” The continuing saga of the squirrel challenge was delightful–and I loved your sideways use of Pres Reagan’s comments.

    But, most of all, I hope I can vist your chickens someday.
    Now that colder weather is here, I’ve been enjoying “redbud Winter” whenever “doing errands’ in the car.

    Merry Christmas.
    Elizabeth Allan

  2. You are welcome any time, Elizabeth–please come visit. You know the address!

  3. Pingback: Urban Farm Feminism «

  4. littlehousesouthernprairie

    So glad to have found your blog!

  5. Lorri Tekelsen

    Howdy Allison,
    Your blog is wonderful! It is so interesting that cousins that never met should have such similar interest! Come on down sometime and sit a spell and we can visit a bit.

    Angela, my younger sister, is a real cowgirl; she lives on the Colorado River (yes, Texas has the Colorado River too, though we feel it was misnamed) with her horses, peacocks (if they haven’t flown off today), chickens, roosters, kitties and puppies. I am sure there are other critters but it is hard to keep track. I live in a log home, Texas style, complete with native landscape. No city scrapers ever came near my homestead. Complete with the original hand dug well. Native perennial landscape and golden retrievers that have a hard time staying out of the pond, fill the picture with views from the porch swing of the setting sun.

    Figs are just about ready for harvest and the blueberries, blackberries and peaches (yes Texas has peaches) have all become pie as God meant for them. Sweet ice tea is the drink of choice we borrowed from our Louisiana neighbors as moonshine was outlawed here sometime before the civil war. We left that industry to the native Appalachians.

    I married a Yankee, yes a girl born and breed in Georgia broke that golden rule. Since he is only 2nd generation Norwegian, he hardly knew what being a real Yankee meant. His family came with their own dreams and their ideas on canning all involve fish! Subsequently the heirs of our union are quite the combination of frugal, stoic Vikings with the genteel, stubbornness that comes from living in Georgia’s red clay.

    We would love to have you visit, sit on the porch swing, sip sweet peach iced tea and gaze at the prettiest sunsets you will ever see. I will share cuttings from my garden as I was taught to do and we can share our stories as only southern can.

    Love and best wishes, your cousin, Lorri Terkelsen

    • Wow! Hi, Lorri–what a wonderful thing to connect with you here. I remember visiting you in TX when I was really, really young and so envying your horses! I’d love to visit you sometime and try that iced tea. I’ll bring the blackberries for a cobbler. We have had an amazing crop this year, and they are still coming. There’s a cobbler in the oven right now as I write for a party tonight.

      How awesome that Angela has peafowl in her menagerie. I’m hankering for some angora rabbits; I am supposed to get a lesson in spinning from a knitting guru friend of mine this week in order to justify the bunnies . . .

  6. I love your blog. Thanks. I’m going to follow you!!

  7. What a great blog! I loved the post about squirrels. Your writing is very engaging to read, and so I’ve nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award! You deserve it. Check out my post for more details about the award and I look forward to following your blog!

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